30-Week Doctor Visit
>> Tuesday, May 19, 2009
And we've hit 30 weeks. That means that anytime in the next seven to 12 weeks, I am going to have a baby.
Let me say that again: I am going to have a baby.
The weight of that statement hasn't hit me yet. It's no different from "Anytime in the next five years, I am going to have a baby." It probably won't become real until we bring the baby home and everybody leaves and then I'm sitting there, alone with this baby I barely know and no idea what to do with myself. I can say that now, but really, I have no concept of what that will mean.
Anyway, so tonight was our 30-week OB visit. At this point I'm supposed to be gaining a pound each week, but I only gained about one pound since my last visit two weeks ago (Ha! Take that Bill, who thinks it would be great if I weighed more than him...); total weight gain is below. My blood pressure was fine and Dr. G said that the baby's heart rate sounds great and I'm measuring just where I should be.
Also, my thyroid level was fine, my gestational diabetes test came back negative and I don't have HIV. Which is always a welcome discovery.
I asked Dr. G how I can tell the baby's position -- because I have no concept of whether these are kicks or punches that I'm feeling -- and she said that it seems like the he or she is head down. Already?! How can that be?! That's the birth position! I'm not ready for that.
Especially since a definite head-down position eliminates one reason for a C-section (aka Stephanie not pushing).
Oh well. I'm already learning that I have no control over what this baby does -- and I'm sure that won't change once he or she is born!
Today's weight gain: 0.8 pounds
Total weight gain: 19 pounds
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