32-Week Doctor Visit
>> Tuesday, June 2, 2009
This was, by far, the quickest visit we've had to the OB's office. We didn't spend an hour waiting, which is a first. And, as per usual, Dr. G hurried us right out. Sigh.
We did the weight thing (below), and then the blood pressure thing, which was fine. Dr. G ran right in to listen to the baby's heart beat, which she said sounded great. That actually confuses me, because sometimes when we hear the baby's heart, it is so fast (whoosh-whoosh-whoosh-whoosh), whereas other times, it sounds more like mine (whoosh. whoosh. whoosh. whoosh.). But the OBs always says it's fine, so I don't understand. (And I know better than to ask questions.)
She asked how I was feeling, and I told her that I just realized I was pregnant, and she kind of rolled her eyes at Bill. Then she measured my belly, and said that was good.
Then I asked her how I know where the baby is positioned, given that she said at my last visit that the baby's head is down, because my belly tends to get hard on the left side of my belly button when the baby moves, and I wonder if that's the baby's butt. She said (and I quote): "You don't need to know."
Because the baby can keep moving around until he or she is ready to come out.
Then, "See you back here in two weeks!"
It's really frustrating. I am not, in any way, trying to dictate my pregnancy care. I don't call the office all the time. I don't ask a lot of ridiculous questions; really, I get most of my information online or from friends/family so that I don't bother my doctor. But I didn't think that this was an unreasonable question. On the BabyCenter Web site, women are constantly posting updates about whether or not their babies are measuring big or small, where they're positioned, recent ultrasounds, etc. My doctors give me nothing except "looks good." This is my child growing inside me. I think I have a right to ask my physicians questions about how well that child is fairing in there. Am I right?
I'm pretty sure I'll be going elsewhere for OB/GYN services after the baby is born.
Today's weight gain: 4 pounds
Total weight gain: 23 pounds
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