36-Week Doctor Visit

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

Tonight was an exciting but scary appointment. I don't think Bill agrees with me, but I'm the one carrying the baby and writing the blog, so you get my opinion for now.

First of all, we had to wait for an hour in the waiting room, which seemed to have a broken air conditioner, or the office staff just hadn't walked into the waiting room at all. A bunch of pregnant women and their impatient husbands sitting around in a steaming hot office -- not so fun.

We finally got called into the back. I got weighed (tallies below -- although, in my defense, I was totally swollen by that point, so I blame it on water weight), and the nurse took my blood pressure (good). Then she said, "Today you start your internal exams."

Excuse me?

Yes, I was aware that most OBs check pregnant women later in the pregnancy to determine effacement/dilation. However, with no prior information from my doctor about when this would happen, I hadn't expected it so soon.

The nurse left me with a sheet made of paper to cover myself and I told Bill to close his eyes. I got up on the table and started to get nervous. Bill began to make bets about how soon (tonight) I would have the baby and talk about what the doctor would do to me internally. I told him to shut up or go back into the hot waiting room. He shut up.

Dr. A came in and explained about the Strep test (swab) to see if I have this bacteria that, although completely normal and not harmful to women, can affect the baby. One in five women have it, and doctors administer an antibiotic during labor for those women to protect the baby when it comes out; no big deal. Thanks for the swab.

Then she did an internal exam to ... evaluate my cervix, I suppose. It felt more like she was trying to poke my brain (ouch). Then she dropped the bomb: "You're about 50 percent effaced."

50 PERCENT EFFACED?! But doesn't that happen right before you're about to give birth?!

"First you efface, and then you dilate."

OK, well that's a little better, but not much! I'm not ready to efface! I'm not ready to do anything! Holy crap!

Then she explained that I might experience some bleeding (after her brain exam), but to call if it's significant (which freaked me out). She also said that we should measure contractions from the start of one to the start of the next, and that we should call the office when they are one minute in length and three minutes apart for an hour. Which freaked me out.

We listened to the baby's heartbeat (good) and she said the baby was hiccuping (so cute); then she measured my belly (good, I guess, because she didn't say otherwise and I was too distracted to ask).

She emphasized to call the office before going to the hospital, because she bikes in the morning, and she won't go out for a 12-mile ride if she knows we're heading to Labor and Delivery. Bill thanked her for that.

"See you back in a week."

Bill and I reaffirmed that we really like her, and hope that she's the doctor on call when I have the baby. Then I made my next appointment (July 7) with Dr. G. (Well, she's the one who's there on Tuesdays.) Better to see her now than when I'm in labor (not that one has anything to do with the odds of the other but we're trying to be optimistic).

I went to the bathroom before we left the office (because I still felt a little gross from being violated) and indeed found the bleeding she mentioned. I freaked out (because in my head I had heard "bleeding = bad") and asked Bill what she actually said. "It might be bright red. Call the office if it lasts for awhile, like a period." I tried to calm myself down. I'm still trying.

So, while it's amazing that I'm going to have a baby soon, all this stuff happening is scary as shit and I can't stop thinking about it. I have so much left to do, and I would need to be in some severe pain/discomfort to want to bring on the intense pain that comes with labor. So, no, I'm not ready. My body seems to be getting ready, but I wish it would talk to my mind before it takes any big steps.

Today's weight gain: 4.2 pounds
Total weight gain: 30.4 pounds


Sugar July 6, 2009 at 8:13 PM  

Wow! It's becoming so real, Steph. I'm nervous FOR you. I know, I know, I'm not helping. I'm sorry. If I can do ANYTHING at all, please let me know. I have time on my hands now like never before, so please, really. Good luck with that whole effacing/dialating thing. I'll be thinking of you. Full moon and all :)

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About This Blog

Steph and Bill

We officially met at Rowan University, in Bozorth Hall, in publication layout class in January 2003: Bill was a student, I was the professor’s helper. He kept pretending he didn’t know how to make bulleted lists, but I knew he just wanted me to keep running over to his computer.

We basically moved in together and started dating at the same time, and spent a couple of years hanging out and dreaming about the future and driving up and down the NJ Turnpike from our parents houses to “our” apartment in Glassboro, until we both moved back home after graduation from grad school. Where the pressure to get married already really started.

On June 17, 2005, I suggested we go into the city to see the Empire State Building, because it was something neither of us had ever done. On the walk from the train, I put on my left hand a ring he had given me for Christmas — I said I didn’t need a ring to know we were going to get married, and anytime he got around to it was fine. Whatever. Typical Steph-fighting-words.

When we got to the Empire State Building, I tried to go inside, but he kept me outside, saying how big the building was. I said, yeah, that’s great, let’s go inside, and started to walk toward the door. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to kiss and hug me, and said, Take that ring off that hand. If you’re going to have a ring on that hand, it has to be the right one. And he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box and got down on his knee on the New York concrete and proposed. People coming out of the building stopped to watch. I cried.


Miss Maeberry

Miss Maeberry came into our lives on March 24, 2007. She was born Jan. 11 of that year in the Poconos, and we rescued her as soon as we could. (Not really, but, well, we were glad to bring her home from the breeders’.) She was a tiny, scared, little bundle of fur … and then she grew up. Aside from the plethora of health issues she has, she’s a bit crazy. But we love her anyway.


Xavier Shea

The love of all of our lives, and the main subject of this blog. Xavier came into our lives on Aug. 1, 2009, and quickly shot up both on the growth charts and in our hearts.

Let’s not waste anymore time here and just get to it, shall we?

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