The Pavlou Nutshell
>> Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The other night, Bill and I were running errands. He had worked at the Deli all day and I had stayed home with the dog, which kind of set the mood for both of us. We were ... not necessarily bickering, but quick to make comments to each other just to be irritating. We both felt it, but neither of us wanted to make nice.
We got to CVS, where we had to buy cards and body wash (for me). Bill told me to go pick out the cards and he would pick out my body wash. I asked him if he was sure, rolled my eyes and walked over the cards. After about 10 minutes of browsing the aisle, I finally chose the right cards just as Bill walked over with his pick: a CVS knockoff of an Olay-brand creamy body wash. I know the store brand is cheaper and usually does the same job, so I don't care either way. But I smelled his pick and it was kind of tangy and definitely not the scent I want to experience first thing in the morning, so I nixed his pick. He gave me more of the attitude I was talking about earlier.
We went back to the body wash shelf and looked at the options. There was nothing brand name that I felt I had to have, so I started picking up the CVS brands and smelling them. Bill did the same. We met in the middle at the CVS shea butter wash and each picked up a bottle for the smell test. Simultaneously, we unsnapped the caps and breathed in, and shot body wash right at our noses.
We laughed hysterically, in the middle of the aisle, wiped at each others' faces, and walked up to the register to pay for our purchase.
And that, my friends, is the Pavlous in a nutshell.
I still have the smell of shea butter in my nose
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