As Requested: Nursery Photos!
>> Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Is anything ever really finished? Well, while the nursery is not technically "finished," per se, we'd be just fine if the baby came right now. (Not mentally or financially or physically, but the nursery would be in fine order anyway.) Once I'm on maternity leave -- TWO MORE DAYS!!! -- I plan to spend time in there, organizing the changing table shelves with important changing table items, etc. And we still need a bit more wall decoration, but a lot of that will depend on the child (the baby's name, for one, and a Shea Stadium plaque that I promised Bill will go up on the wall if we have a boy).
But for now, here are some photos, which don't do it justice. It is the most perfect room in anyone's house ever. The only thing that could make it better is, well, the baby! (I wish I knew how to use Blogspot to really upload these pictures in a way that didn't suck, but I don't. So sorry if the text is all squished around the pictures. One of these days, Bill and I will redesign, but for now...)
This is the view from the doorway. Mae loves the rug.This is the rocker/recliner, with Mama Pav's handmade bookshelf ladder behind it. (Those are battery candles, so no worry about causing a fire!) On the argyle wall (Papa Z's masterpiece) there, we hung a shadow box with baby argyle socks in it -- they are so tiny and cute!
Here's a better view of the wall, with the armoire on the left, and you can see the window molding that Mama Pav did.
The crib. I love the crib, and this bedding that I got discounted for way cheap at Pottery Barn Kids (thanks to a tip from Kristine). It might even be a little girly, but I don't care. The baby won't know if those are clouds or flowers, and I like it. (And, yes, that pillow -- and the bumper too, eventually -- will come out of the crib so as to prevent any smothering.) You also can see the curtain there, behind the crib, covering the bookshelves.
This is the bookshelf next to the crib and the changing table area.
Here's the changing table head on (the doorway is to your left). Our signature Rascal Flatts mention above: "My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to." Bill finished that up last night. Love it.
And, in case you haven't seen it from an earlier post (did I post it?) or from our Flickr page, here's the switch plate my Aunt Maggie made (on the wall next to the doorway)!
And that's the whole room. I'm very excited about it, in case you couldn't tell. I can't wait to spend a bunch of time in there. Any day now...
The room looks great! Love the walls.
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