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>> Friday, July 31, 2009
Still no baby-rumblings going on up in here. Every night and morning I think, just maybe, that my water has broken or that I'm having contractions; every day (once I've been out of bed for a little while), I realize that there is absolutely nothing happening inside and baby is quite comfortable just relaxing, thank you very much. A child after my own heart, what can I say?
I can say, COME ON BABY PAVLOU!!! Why don't you want to come out and meet Mommy?! :(
That's what I can say.
On the actual birthing front, I called the doctor's office today to find out the deal with the induction, because I still hadn't heard from them about when I'm going to be scheduled. The first woman I spoke to said that I'm on the doctor's schedule for 7 a.m. on Monday, but that the hospital would call me the day before to let me know when to come in and what to bring, etc., which is nice -- some preparation. Then she put me on the phone with the woman who handles that kind of scheduling.
She said that she hasn't heard from the hospital yet, but that the hospital will call me on Monday morning and let me know when it is time to come in. Yes, that's right. The hospital will call me on Monday morning (At 7 a.m.? At 6 a.m.? At 5, or 4, or 3 a.m.?) and say, OK, Stephanie, we have a bed for you so come in right now.
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PREPARE FOR THAT?! Should I not go to sleep on Sunday night?? That seems like a terrible idea, given I'll need some rest before labor. Should I set my alarm for 5 a.m., just so I'm up and showered and ready to go? But then they might not call me until 9 a.m. Or 1 p.m. Or 5 p.m.
Horrible. That's horrible. I understand that the hospital has no way to predict how many beds they'll have available this far in advance. But I'm a planner. I need to have these kinds of things planned, so I can stress about them for days in advance. This adds a whole different layer of the stress to it.
Please, little Baby Pavlou. Please come out before Monday morning!
Looks like you got your wish! Cannot wait to read all about your ten hour Cold Stone to New Baby odessey when you have time and energy to put it all out there! xoxo
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