Focusing on the fly
>> Friday, April 16, 2010
As someone with a communication degree, I can't help but feel inadequate when I watch sports. The knowledge and excitement those announcers bring to each game amazes me every time.
I decided to go into the field of communication -- that means that, at some point, I had the potential to enter broadcasting. If I had begun liking sports a few years earlier, perhaps, or if I had taken that TV class in high school, I might have liked it, and I might have decided to give it a go. I could have taken that entry-level class in college. I could have become a member of WGLS or RTN.
But just as quickly as I think it could've been me, I think that it never could've been me. I don't have that silver voice. I can't focus my brain that quickly on the fly. Probably most important, I don't know anything about sports. I can't imagine the level of embarrassment I might have felt if I had tried it.
Probably a level similar to the level of embarrassment I felt every year I enrolled in art classes I wasn't good enough for, my awkward pencil scratching no match for my classmates' fluid charcoal sketching. I (barely) held my own for a few years, and gave up as soon as I got to college.
That being said, I'm glad the Devils tied up the Series tonight. Devils!
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