38-Week Doctor Visit
>> Monday, July 13, 2009
This week we got to see Dr. A (who also said she's on call this weekend, so if I go into labor, she's the lucky doc!), and it was a really good appointment.
First I got my weight (below) and blood pressure (good) checked. Then Dr. A came in, and did the internal exam (which hurt, again, but didn't last as long as Dr. G's exam last week) and announced that I'm two centimeters (but she didn't say how effaced I am). She also agreed that I've lost my mucus plug (gross).
Bill asked if those things are an indicator of anything, and she said that I am just as likely to go into labor in two weeks as I am to have my water break on the way to the car. It amazes me that it's 2009 and the medical world hasn't come up with a clearer picture of what induces labor (or a better way to get the baby out!).
She said that the baby's heart rate is perfect and I'm measuring great. She felt my belly and said that the baby definitely is head down, so we're in the right position at least.
She reiterated how to time contractions, and I asked her about the practice's theory on pushing -- whether I'll be told to push as soon as I reach 10 centimeters, or if I will hold off until I have that "urge" to push. Dr. A confirmed that it's better to wait until that urge to push, to avoid spending four hours pushing with no result. I was glad to hear that. I'd be happy to push for four minutes. Where can I sign up for that?
Our next appointment is Monday night, July 20. Unless I go into labor first. (Eeeek!)
Today's weight gain: 3.2 pounds
Total weight gain: 34.4 pounds
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