The name game

>> Thursday, July 9, 2009

Well, as you've read, we've decided (of course at the last-minute in typical Bill/Steph style) to scrap the name we had chosen for a boy. No we still won't tell you what that name was, but we both felt it was becoming too popular and just wasn't the right fit if we were to have a son.

So we did it about a week ago, we dropped the name -- without a backup. So here we are: Steph is nine months pregnant, we're rushing around to finalize the house to welcome our child, Steph can barely sleep anymore she is so uncomfortable and we're both convinced she's going to go into labor any minute and have a boy, just because we don't have a name picked out.

We both want to have a name picked out. Sure we could "meet" the child after he or she is born and wait to decide on a name. But what's the fun in that? What would we say in our mass text message or e-mail chain?

So anyway, with Steph doing the work carrying the child and all, she tossed the ball into my court to help finalize the decision. We've been researching boys names like you wouldn't believe. Well actually, she doesn't believe I did any research at all, but I have definitely been thinking about it.

She tirelessly searches and reads names to me. I usually sit there and think about how children in school will make fun of the kid with a name like that. She rolls her eyes and continues.

This process eventually left us with a few names floating around. However, the real problem with ditching our boy's name, was that we both loved the nickname it yielded and we were having trouble letting it go. But that's exactly what we decided to do, just let go of it.

I came home from work last night and could sense her anxiety level rising in every capacity. It was time for me to be proactive with this name thing.

We sat down and I grabbed a couple of sheets of paper. I gave her a piece and asked her to write down four to five names that she really liked. I did the same. Then I tore another sheet of paper into three smaller pieces and asked her to write down her three favorite names from her list. I did the same from my list.

Now at this point I could sense that she was feeling quite calmed by this activity - almost as if I knew what I was doing. But in reality, I was making this up as we went along.

So I marked my three slips of paper with an "X" just to differentiate them from her three slips of paper as we placed them all in an over-sized glass candle holder that collects dust rather than housing a candle. So naturally, because I did something, she had to as well.

"I'll mark mine with the letter 'O'," she tells me.

"Oh, like, a big game of tic-tac-toe?"

"No, like hugs and kisses," she responds.

Whatever, men are from Mars, women are from Venus, you get the point.

So now we have this gigantic glass jar with different slips of paper in it and I'm still very unsure as to how this will pan out and lead to some solidarity.

"Now, how do we do this?" she asks.

I'm still confused, but I just tell her to pick one of mine and I'll choose one of hers. Now I realize that the only way this game will work is if we
each wrote down at least one of the same names and then each drew the same name from the jar.

Steph unfolds one of my selections, I do the same with hers.

"Whatta ya got?"

"_________ _________"

"Me too."

Our son has a name.

We think.

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About This Blog

Steph and Bill

We officially met at Rowan University, in Bozorth Hall, in publication layout class in January 2003: Bill was a student, I was the professor’s helper. He kept pretending he didn’t know how to make bulleted lists, but I knew he just wanted me to keep running over to his computer.

We basically moved in together and started dating at the same time, and spent a couple of years hanging out and dreaming about the future and driving up and down the NJ Turnpike from our parents houses to “our” apartment in Glassboro, until we both moved back home after graduation from grad school. Where the pressure to get married already really started.

On June 17, 2005, I suggested we go into the city to see the Empire State Building, because it was something neither of us had ever done. On the walk from the train, I put on my left hand a ring he had given me for Christmas — I said I didn’t need a ring to know we were going to get married, and anytime he got around to it was fine. Whatever. Typical Steph-fighting-words.

When we got to the Empire State Building, I tried to go inside, but he kept me outside, saying how big the building was. I said, yeah, that’s great, let’s go inside, and started to walk toward the door. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to kiss and hug me, and said, Take that ring off that hand. If you’re going to have a ring on that hand, it has to be the right one. And he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box and got down on his knee on the New York concrete and proposed. People coming out of the building stopped to watch. I cried.


Miss Maeberry

Miss Maeberry came into our lives on March 24, 2007. She was born Jan. 11 of that year in the Poconos, and we rescued her as soon as we could. (Not really, but, well, we were glad to bring her home from the breeders’.) She was a tiny, scared, little bundle of fur … and then she grew up. Aside from the plethora of health issues she has, she’s a bit crazy. But we love her anyway.


Xavier Shea

The love of all of our lives, and the main subject of this blog. Xavier came into our lives on Aug. 1, 2009, and quickly shot up both on the growth charts and in our hearts.

Let’s not waste anymore time here and just get to it, shall we?

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